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Unsere Empfehlungen

Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities (Clear Vinyl)
In­ter­pret: Pet Shop Boys
Be­schrei­bung: New Ze­a­coun­try Only Clear Vinyl 12" With 6" Label

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1986
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: NZ
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: good 122
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
149,00 EUR
Pet Shop Boys - Birmingham 91
In­ter­pret: Pet Shop Boys
Be­schrei­bung: 2xlp: 1991 Uk (Nymph Re­cords; Sbj322) [Boot­leg; Live In Bir­ming­ham] [Disc #1:] This Must Be The Place I Wai­ted Years To Leave / It'S A Sin / Lo­sing My Mind / This Must Be The Place I Wai­ted Years To Leave (In­stru­men­tal) / What Have I Done To De­ser­ve This? / My Oc­to­ber Sym­pho­ny / I'M Not Sca­red / We All Feel Bet­ter In The Dark / So Sorry I Said / Sub­ur­bia [Disc #2:] So Hard / Op­por­tu­nities / How Can You Ex­pect To Be Taken Se­rious­ly / Rent / Where The Streets Have No Name / West End Girls / Jea­lou­sy / Al­ways On My Mind / [Speech] / Your Funny Uncle

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1991
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Nymph Re­cords
Ka­ta­log Nr: SBJ322
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
89,00 EUR
Depeche Mode - Construction Time Again
In­ter­pret: De­pe­che Mode
Be­schrei­bung: Li­mi­ted Edi­ti­on With Pos­ter, Ori­gi­nal Mute Label, With Lyric In­ners­lee­ve,

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1983
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Mute
Ka­ta­log Nr: int 146.807
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): G+/vg+
35,00 EUR
Pet Shop Boys - So Hard (Morales Remixes)
In­ter­pret: Pet Shop Boys
Be­schrei­bung: Rare Red Zone Remix By David Mo­ra­les

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1990
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: 20 4177 6
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
59,00 EUR
Mylène Farmer - Pourvu Qu'elles Soient Douces
In­ter­pret: Mylène Far­mer
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1988
Genre: French Pop
Land: FR
Label: Po­ly­dor
Ka­ta­log Nr: 887 847-1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
59,00 EUR
Commercial - Chapter One
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial
Be­schrei­bung: Cdr Only Com­pi­la­ti­on + New Tracks + Demos: 01mediaworld 02beauty 03mouth Of Stars 04forever 05my Love 06coloured Lights 07no Milk Today [Demo] 08past And Pre­sent 09closer 10in My Life 11what About 12visionary 13forever [Air­play Remix] 14coloured Lights [Air­play Remix] 15mediaworld [Demo] 1,2,3,4,6,8 From &Quot;Con­cepts&Quot; 13,14 From &Quot;Fo­re­ver&Quot; 7,9,11,12 From &Quot;Clo­ser/Vi­sio­na­ry&Quot; 5,10,15 Un­re­leased

For­mat: CDR Album
Jahr: 1999
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Commercial-​Concepts
Ka­ta­log Nr: merci 05
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): exc/exc
18,00 EUR

Neue Artikel

Depeche Mode - Behind the wheel
In­ter­pret: De­pe­che Mode
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12” Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Synth-​pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Mute
Ka­ta­log Nr: INT 126.876
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
18,00 EUR
Zufallszahl - Verjodel Deine Jugend
In­ter­pret: Zu­falls­zahl
Be­schrei­bung: With in­sert and sti­cker

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1982
Genre: New Wave, NDW, Punk
Land: D
Label: Schup­p­lat­te
Ka­ta­log Nr: 66.20219-​01
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg
17,00 EUR
Cure - Disintegration
In­ter­pret: Cure
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1989
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: D
Label: Fic­tion
Ka­ta­log Nr: 839353-​1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
25,00 EUR
Flex-Y-Bell - Mitten in der Nacht
In­ter­pret: Flex-​Y-Bell
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1982
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: Ge­eBee­Dee
Ka­ta­log Nr: 50-​1878
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
15,00 EUR
Schön - Schön
In­ter­pret: Schön
Be­schrei­bung: With in­sert

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: New Wave, NDW, Pop Rock
Land: D
Label: Spie­gelei
Ka­ta­log Nr: INT145.638
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
15,00 EUR
ZK - Eddie's Salon
In­ter­pret: ZK
Be­schrei­bung: Pre-​Toten Hosen, wit­hout in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Punk­rock
Land: D
Label: Rondo
Ka­ta­log Nr: FLOT 01
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
25,00 EUR
Schwarz Weiss - In Farbe
In­ter­pret: Schwarz Weiss
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Synth-​pop, Mi­ni­mal, New Wave, NDW
Land: D
Label: Schall­mau­er
Ka­ta­log Nr: Schall 015
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): mint-/mint-
75,00 EUR
Cure - Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me (live)
In­ter­pret: Cure
Be­schrei­bung: Re­cor­ded live in Bre­men, West Ger­ma­ny 30/10/87Audience re­cording.

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1987
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: D
Label: Ob­ser­va­ti­on
Ka­ta­log Nr: 35210 KM
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg
100,00 EUR
Flex-Y-Bell - Flex-Y-Bell
In­ter­pret: Flex-​Y-Bell
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: Ge­eBee­Dee
Ka­ta­log Nr: 23590
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
17,00 EUR
Zero Zero - Herzklopfen
In­ter­pret: Zero Zero
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Synth-​pop, Mi­ni­mal, New Wave, NDW
Land: NL
Label: Re­flek­tor
Ka­ta­log Nr: 656.034
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/mint-
19,00 EUR
Deo - Deo
In­ter­pret: Deo
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: In­no­va­ti­ve Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons
Ka­ta­log Nr: KS80.017
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/mint-
19,00 EUR
Die Tanzdiele - Folgt den Führern
In­ter­pret: Die Tanz­die­le
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: Ge­eBee­Dee
Ka­ta­log Nr: 16954
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/mint-
19,00 EUR
Real Life - Babies
In­ter­pret: Real Life
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1986
Genre: New Wave, Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Curb
Ka­ta­log Nr: INT 127.724
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): mint-/vg+
9,00 EUR
Reifenstahl - Die Wunderwaffe
In­ter­pret: Rei­fen­stahl
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: Ink re­cords
Ka­ta­log Nr: 6
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/mint-
24,99 EUR
Talking Heads - I Zimbra (Live Versions)
In­ter­pret: Tal­king Heads
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1982
Genre: New Wave
Land: NL
Label: Sire
Ka­ta­log Nr: WB 26220
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg
18,00 EUR
Bildstörung - Bildstörung
In­ter­pret: Bild­stö­rung
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: NDW
Land: D
Label: Ge­eBee­Dee
Ka­ta­log Nr: 06-24
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/mint-
19,00 EUR
Carmen - Puppe aus Glas
In­ter­pret: Car­men
Be­schrei­bung: Car­men Gas­par­was part of Die Do­raus Und Die Ma­ri­nas and work­ed with Py­ro­la­tor and Der Plan

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: New Wave, Synth-​pop, NDW, Mi­ni­mal
Land: D
Label: Schall­mau­er
Ka­ta­log Nr: Schall 017
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
90,00 EUR
ZK - Leichen pflasterten ihren Weg
In­ter­pret: ZK
Be­schrei­bung: Pre-​Toten Hosen, with book­let, Da­ma­ge from tearing off the sti­cker

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Punk­rock
Land: D
Label: To­ten­kopf
Ka­ta­log Nr: TOT 666
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
45,00 EUR
Gary Numan - The Pleasure Principle
In­ter­pret: Gary Numan
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1979
Genre: New Wave, Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Be­ggars Ban­quet
Ka­ta­log Nr: INT 146.522
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
14,00 EUR
Dig It Al(l) - Volt Age
In­ter­pret: Dig It Al(l)
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Synth-​pop, Mi­ni­mal, Ex­pe­ri­men­tal, NDW
Land: D
Label: Ge­eBee­Dee
Ka­ta­log Nr: 13667
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
15,00 EUR
Zaza - Zaza
In­ter­pret: Zaza
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve and sti­cker

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Synth-​pop, Mi­ni­mal, New Wave, NDW
Land: D
Label: Blow Up
Ka­ta­log Nr: INT 145.504
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/mint-
22,00 EUR
Spandau Ballet - True
In­ter­pret: Span­dau Bal­let
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1983
Genre: New Wave, Syn­th­pop, pop
Land: D
Label: Chry­sa­lis
Ka­ta­log Nr: 46 951 0
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
12,00 EUR
Cure - In Between Days
In­ter­pret: Cure
Be­schrei­bung: French Pres­sing, poor con­di­ti­on of vinyl

For­mat: 12” Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: F
Label: Fic­tion
Ka­ta­log Nr: 883270-​1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/poor
5,00 EUR
Cure - The Top
In­ter­pret: Cure
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1984
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: D
Label: Fic­tion
Ka­ta­log Nr: 821136-​1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
25,00 EUR
Cure - Boys don't cry
In­ter­pret: Cure
Be­schrei­bung: French Pres­sing

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1979
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: F
Label: Fic­tion
Ka­ta­log Nr: 2442 178
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
19,00 EUR
Silvia - Silvia
In­ter­pret: Sil­via
Be­schrei­bung: With in­ners­lee­ve, Wit­ten and Pro­du­ced by Tommi Stumpf

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Synth-​pop, Mi­ni­mal, New Wave, NDW
Land: D
Label: Schall­mau­er
Ka­ta­log Nr: Schall 014
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/mint
70,00 EUR
Ultravox - Ha! Ha! Ha!
In­ter­pret: Ul­tra­vox
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1977
Genre: New Wave, Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Is­land
Ka­ta­log Nr: 25 499-​270
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
12,00 EUR