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Commercial - Chapter One
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial
Be­schrei­bung: Cdr Only Com­pi­la­ti­on + New Tracks + Demos: 01mediaworld 02beauty 03mouth Of Stars 04forever 05my Love 06coloured Lights 07no Milk Today [Demo] 08past And Pre­sent 09closer 10in My Life 11what About 12visionary 13forever [Air­play Remix] 14coloured Lights [Air­play Remix] 15mediaworld [Demo] 1,2,3,4,6,8 From &Quot;Con­cepts&Quot; 13,14 From &Quot;Fo­re­ver&Quot; 7,9,11,12 From &Quot;Clo­ser/Vi­sio­na­ry&Quot; 5,10,15 Un­re­leased

For­mat: CDR Album
Jahr: 1999
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Commercial-​Concepts
Ka­ta­log Nr: merci 05
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): exc/exc
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Commercial - Concepts
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial
Be­schrei­bung: Great Syn­th­pop, Li­mi­ted On 500 Co­pies:1 Co­lou­red Lights2 Forever3 Beauty4 Media World5 Mouth Of Stars6 Past And Present7 Fo­re­ver (D.T. Remix)

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1997
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Commercial-​Concepts
Ka­ta­log Nr: merci 01
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Commercial - Closer/Visionary
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial
Be­schrei­bung: 4 Track Maxi Cd-R (New Tracks)

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1999
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Commercial-​Concepts
Ka­ta­log Nr: merci 04
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
7,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Commercial - Forever
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial
Be­schrei­bung: Great Syn­th­pop From Ger­ma­ny 1 Fo­re­ver (Album Ver­si­on) 2 Fo­re­ver (Air­play Club Edit) 3 Fo­re­ver (Club Mix) 4 Co­lou­red Lights (Air­play Mix) 5 Me­tro­po­lis

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1998
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Commercial-​Concepts
Ka­ta­log Nr: merci03
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): exc/exc
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Commercial (Various) - In Neutraler Zelle Kein Zwang
In­ter­pret: Com­mer­cial (Va­rious)
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Truth Or Dare (Pre-​Commercial)

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1991
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Syn­th­pop, In­dus­tri­al
Land: D
Label: Inzkz
Ka­ta­log Nr: in016
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
24,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Elekthromas (Z) - Social Distance
In­ter­pret: Elekthro­mas (Z)
Be­schrei­bung: File Only

For­mat: MP3
Jahr: 2020 (Z)
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave, Elec­tro (Z)
Land: D (Z)
Label: Commercial-​Concepts (z)
Ka­ta­log Nr: Merci20 (z)
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): new (Z)
1,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 6 (von insgesamt 6)