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Saint Etienne

Cola Boy - 7 Ways To Love
In­ter­pret: Cola Boy
Be­schrei­bung: Prod. By St.Eti­en­ne

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1991
Genre: New Wave, Al­ter­na­ti­ve
Land: UK
Label: BMG
Ka­ta­log Nr: 614526
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
20,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - Too Young To Die
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: Sin­gle Collec­tion Uk-​Only

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1995
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Hea­ven­ly
Ka­ta­log Nr: hvnlp10cd
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - Smash The System
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: Great Best-​Of

For­mat: 2x CD-​Album
Jahr: 2001
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Hea­ven­ly
Ka­ta­log Nr: hvnlp32cd
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): Exc/exc
24,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - Avenue (Remixes)
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1992
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Hea­ven­ly
Ka­ta­log Nr: hvn 23cdr
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
28,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - He´S On The Phone
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: Uk-​Promo In Pa­pers­lee­ve

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1995
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Hea­ven­ly
Ka­ta­log Nr: hvn50cdp
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
21,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - Sylvie (Part One)
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: Still Sea­led

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1998
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Crea­ti­on
Ka­ta­log Nr: crescd 279
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): Exc/exc
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Saint Etienne - Who Do You Think You Are?
In­ter­pret: Saint Eti­en­ne
Be­schrei­bung: Uk-​Promo

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1993
Genre: Al­ter­na­ti­ve, Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Hea­ven­ly
Ka­ta­log Nr: hvn29cdpi
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
21,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 7 (von insgesamt 7)