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Strawberry Switchblade

Strawberry Switchblade - Jolene
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: Great Dolly Par­ton Cover

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 42t
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
20,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Let Her Go
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 39t
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
15,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Since Yesterday
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 38t
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
30,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Who Knows What Love Is?
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 41t
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Jolene
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 42
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): G+/vg
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Let Her Go
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: 249 120-7
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Let Her Go
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: kow 39
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Since Yesterday
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: 249 249-7
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - The 12" Album
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: Ori­gi­nal 12" Ver­si­ons + Bonus

For­mat: CD-​Album
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: CA
Label: Com­mu­ni­que
Ka­ta­log Nr: cdcomm-​5
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): exc/exc
69,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Strawberry Switchblade - Strawberry Switchblade
In­ter­pret: Straw­ber­ry Switch­b­la­de
Be­schrei­bung: Ori­gi­nal Issue With In­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Ko­ro­va
Ka­ta­log Nr: 240525-​1 (kode11)
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
16,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 10 (von insgesamt 10)