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V - weitere Interpreten

Van Halen - Jump
In­ter­pret: Van Halen
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1983
Genre: 80s, Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: War­ner
Ka­ta­log Nr: 920181-​0
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Oattes Van Schaik - The Limit
In­ter­pret: Oat­tes Van Scha­ik
Be­schrei­bung: Wit­hout In­ners­lee­ve

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1985
Land: NL
Label: Por­trait
Ka­ta­log Nr: 26076
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
5,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vanilla - Paradise Mi Amor
In­ter­pret: Va­nil­la
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Land: D
Label: Me­tro­no­me
Ka­ta­log Nr: 883 326-1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg
5,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vanilla Ice - To The Extreme
In­ter­pret: Va­nil­la Ice
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Ice,Ice Baby

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1990
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Dance, Charts
Land: D
Label: SBK Re­cords
Ka­ta­log Nr: cdp 78 5325 2
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
15,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby (Remix)
In­ter­pret: Va­nil­la Ice
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1990
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Dance, Charts
Land: D
Label: SBK Re­cords
Ka­ta­log Nr: 20 4122 2
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Cosmic Trigger
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: With Cos­mic Baby

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1993
Genre: Elec­tro­nic, Tech­no, EBM, Tech­no, EBM
Land: D
Label: Trig­ger
Ka­ta­log Nr: tr cd 02
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Gothic Rock 2
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 2x CD-​Album
Jahr: 1995
Genre: New Wave, In­dus­tri­al, Rock­pop, 80s
Land: D
Label: Jung­le
Ka­ta­log Nr: freud cd 051
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Trance Europe Express 2
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Book With 192 Pages

For­mat: 2x CD-​Album
Jahr: 1994
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, Dance, Charts
Land: UK
Label: Total
Ka­ta­log Nr: teex cd2
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/near mint
21,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Perfect Day
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: With Bono, David Bowie, Elton John, Skin And Many More

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1997
Genre: Rock­pop, Dance, Charts
Land: D
Label: Chry­sa­lis
Ka­ta­log Nr: 8850832
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - The Ultimatte Dreambox
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Tran­ce Clas­sics Collec­tion (No Ori­gi­nal Ar­tists)

For­mat: 3x CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1994
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, Am­bi­ent
Land: D
Label: Ar­ca­de
Ka­ta­log Nr: 8800468
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
4,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - 20 Original Top Hits
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1976
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Po­ly­star
Ka­ta­log Nr: 2475 510
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Alvin Lives - Anti Poll Tax Trax
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1990
Genre: New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Mid­night
Ka­ta­log Nr: clang 4
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
11,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Art Is The Handmaid Of Human Good
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Data Bank-​A

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: US
Label: RRE
Ka­ta­log Nr: rrr054
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
25,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Auftakt
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Plan, Hil­ler, Seen Links, Schlös­ser Rechts, Zim­mer­män­ner, Die Zwei...

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Ndw
Land: F
Label: East West
Ka­ta­log Nr: ewlp1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
28,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Back To The Grindstone
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1988
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: US
Label: K.O.City
Ka­ta­log Nr: ko12
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
28,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Die Ndw Ist Das Da
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Ndw
Land: D
Label: Fon­ta­na
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
11,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Disco Fire
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1977
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: K-Tel
Ka­ta­log Nr: tg 1169
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
4,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Disco Hits
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1975
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: K-Tel
Ka­ta­log Nr: tg 131
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Food For Thought
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Skin­ny Puppy, Spk, Tear Gar­den, Se­ver­ed Heads...

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: CA
Label: Nett­werk
Ka­ta­log Nr: ntl 30007
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
25,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - From The Madding Crowd
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1986
Genre: Not­hing
Land: UK
Label: Third Mind
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
19,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Heavy Duty Breaks
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Por­ti­on Con­trol

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: UK
Label: Il­lu­mi­na­ted
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - High Energy
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Red Vinyl

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Ario­la
Ka­ta­log Nr: 206462-​620
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
19,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Hitparade
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: Eu­ro­pa
Ka­ta­log Nr: e 1038
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Impact (Auto-Edit)
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Por­ti­on Con­trol

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: UK
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Jubel Trubel Heiterkeit
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1965
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Eu­ro­pa
Ka­ta­log Nr: e 136
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/g
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - K-Tel´S Dynamite
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1975
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: K-Tel
Ka­ta­log Nr: tg 117
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Kalt Wie Eis Soundtrack
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Blixa, Ma­la­ria, Bea, Tempo, Ne­on­ba­bies, Mdk, Etc

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Ndw
Land: D
Label: Re­flek­tor
Ka­ta­log Nr: 60459
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
28,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Kunterbunte Schlagerhits
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: S*R In­ter­na­tio­nal
Ka­ta­log Nr: 62 734
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - London Beat
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: Eu­ro­pa
Ka­ta­log Nr: e 158
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
5,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Pop Explosion
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1976
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: K-Tel
Ka­ta­log Nr: tg 125
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): g/vg-
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Schritt Für Schritt
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Ndw
Land: D
Label: CBS
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): /
11,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Stars & Hits Für Das Rote Kreuz
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1974
Genre: Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: Rotes Kreuz
Ka­ta­log Nr: 6839 100
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
2,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Suck Mix Vol.1
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: One Sided, Blue Vinyl

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: D
Label: Suck Me Plas­ma
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
19,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Tanz Mit Dem Herzen
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Be­rüh­ren - Pro­fil

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1981
Genre: Ndw
Land: D
Label: EMI
Ka­ta­log Nr: 1c 086-​78 083
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
19,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - The Dice Are Rolling
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1986
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: B
Label: Play It Again Sam
Ka­ta­log Nr: bias 44
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
28,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Turn Of The Grindstone
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1989
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: US
Label: K.O.City
Ka­ta­log Nr: ko14
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
28,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - 32 Hits Des Jahres
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Ori­gi­nal Schla­ger Sam­pler

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Genre: Rock­pop
Land: D
Label: Ju­pi­ter
Ka­ta­log Nr: 88 478 xbt
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - 70´S-And The Beat Goes On
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1988
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: Te­le­star
Ka­ta­log Nr: star 2338
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
14,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - For Your Ears Only
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Bu­shi­do, At­tri­ti­on, Ka-​Spel, Front­li­ne As­sem­bly...

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: UK
Label: Third Mind
Ka­ta­log Nr: tmlp17/18
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Superstition Dj Volume One
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1993
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: D
Label: Su­per­s­ti­ti­on
Ka­ta­log Nr: 2008
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
14,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Now
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: VHS Video
Jahr: 1988
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: UK
Label: PMI
Ka­ta­log Nr: mvnow 13a
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Adam & Eve - Most Wanted Vol 2
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Rmb Trax 1+2

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1994
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, Dance
Land: D
Label: Adam & Eve
Ka­ta­log Nr: eve 002
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
24,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Shot Version 3.1
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Great Swe­dish Synthpop-​Sampler

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1997
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Oc­to­ber
Ka­ta­log Nr: oct036
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Swiss Wave The Album
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Kult-​Sampler Incl. Grau­zo­ne

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1980
Genre: Ndw
Land: CH
Label: Off Cour­se
Ka­ta­log Nr: 20 008
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
21,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Catalogue 1999
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: French Trip Hop Sam­pler

For­mat: CD-​Album
Jahr: 1999
Genre: Am­bi­ent, Chill­out, Trip Hop, New Wave
Land: F
Label: Ca­ta­lo­gue
Ka­ta­log Nr: ref10/wag329
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Action Mix - Volume One
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl.Mix Le­xi­con

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: BCM
Ka­ta­log Nr: 12-​2029-40
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Hot 105fm Miami
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: 12" In­stant Mix

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Label: TSR
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
9,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Hyper Mix Vol.1
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Mixed By Ingo V.Vorkampff-​Laue

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: ZYX
Ka­ta­log Nr: 55000
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Mike´S Mixes
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Ltd.Edi­ti­on, Promo, Mixed By R.Liebrand

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: NL
Label: CBS
Ka­ta­log Nr: 451041 1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Boccaccio - The New Beat Source
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Foldout-​Cover, Incl. Con­fet­tis, Lords Of Acid...

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: BCM
Ka­ta­log Nr: 35183
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - New Beat - A New Style Of Music
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl.Boy­tro­nic, Maxx, Taste Of Sugar...

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: BCM
Ka­ta­log Nr: 33015
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - New World Beat
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl.Off, Ca­ra­van, 16bit, Mo­skwa Tv

For­mat: 2x Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Label: New World
Ka­ta­log Nr: lp.01
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg
14,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Techno Club Part 1
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Alone, Um­sturz Jetzt, Body Con­trol And Many More

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1989
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: ZYX
Ka­ta­log Nr: 6205-​12
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Best Beats Iii From Westside
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. Cen­tral Unit, Mcl2, Okay, Voyou And More

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1987
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, 80s
Land: D
Label: West­side
Ka­ta­log Nr: 33817
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
16,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Various Artists - Some Bizarre Album
In­ter­pret: Va­rious Ar­tists
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. First De­pe­che Mode Re­lease "Pho­to­gra­phic", Blan­c­man­ge "Sad Day, Soft Cell, B-​Movie, The The & Many More

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1980
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave, Elec­tro
Land: UK
Label: Some Bi­zar­re
Ka­ta­log Nr: bzlp1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): G+/vg+
12,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Sven Väth - Harlequin - The Beauty And The Beast
In­ter­pret: Sven Väth
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1994
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, Dance, Charts
Land: D
Label: Eye Q
Ka­ta­log Nr: 4509-​98018-2
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
14,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vivien Vee - Americano
In­ter­pret: Vi­vi­en Vee
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Land: D
Label: Po­ly­dor
Ka­ta­log Nr: 881 710-1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
5,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Velocity - Lust Remix
In­ter­pret: Ve­lo­ci­ty
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1994
Genre: Elec­tro­nic, Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce
Land: D
Label: Motor/Urban
Ka­ta­log Nr: 8558332
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
19,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vesta - Suddenly It´S Magic
In­ter­pret: Vesta
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1986
Genre: R&B, Soul, 80s
Land: UK
Label: Brea­kout
Ka­ta­log Nr: usat 603
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
4,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vf Decoder - Vf Decoder
In­ter­pret: Vf De­co­der
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: Vinyl Album
Jahr: 1988
Genre: Elec­tro­nic
Land: D
Label: Skiz­zo
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
25,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink - Cccan't You See...
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink
Be­schrei­bung: Incl. 8:15 To Nowhe­re

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: 12 ra 6074
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/vg+
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink - Fetish
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: 12 pink 1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
20,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink - Fetish
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: D
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: 20 0563 7
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
5,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink - Fetish
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink
Be­schrei­bung: Shape (Vi­cious Pink-​Icon)

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1985
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr:
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
18,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink - Take Me Now/Always Hoping
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 7" Sin­gle
Jahr: 1986
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Par­lo­pho­ne
Ka­ta­log Nr: pink3
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg+
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Vicious Pink (T2) - 8:15 To Nowhere
In­ter­pret: Vi­cious Pink (T2)
Be­schrei­bung: Cover Ver­si­on Re­mi­xed By Talla 2xlc

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1998
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: Ï¿½
Label: Sony
Ka­ta­log Nr: epd 665495 2
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/mint-
9,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Maria Vidal - Body Rock
In­ter­pret: Maria Vidal
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1984
Land: D
Label: EMI
Ka­ta­log Nr: k062-​20 0386 6
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
7,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Video Kids - Woodpeckers From Space
In­ter­pret: Video Kids
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1984
Genre: Syn­th­pop, 80s
Land: D
Label: Po­ly­dor
Ka­ta­log Nr: 881 314-1
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg+/near mint
9,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Village People - I Am What I Am
In­ter­pret: Vil­la­ge Peop­le
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1979
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Te­le­fun­ken
Ka­ta­log Nr: 620011
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Village People - In The Navy
In­ter­pret: Vil­la­ge Peop­le
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1979
Genre: 70s, Disco
Land: D
Label: Can't Stop
Ka­ta­log Nr: 900131
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Village People - Play Bach
In­ter­pret: Vil­la­ge Peop­le
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Me­tro­no­me
Ka­ta­log Nr: 930074
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/vg+
6,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Village People - San Fransisco
In­ter­pret: Vil­la­ge Peop­le
Be­schrei­bung: -

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1977
Genre: Syn­th­pop
Land: D
Label: Te­le­fun­ken
Ka­ta­log Nr: 623292
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
8,25 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Village People - Y.M.C.A.
In­ter­pret: Vil­la­ge Peop­le
Be­schrei­bung: Ori­gi­nal Issue

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1978
Genre: 70s, Disco
Land: D
Label: Me­tro­no­me
Ka­ta­log Nr: 900106
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg/near mint
23,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Virus - Moon
In­ter­pret: Virus
Be­schrei­bung: Oa­ken­fold, Os­bor­ne, Jam El Mar

For­mat: CD Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1997
Genre: Tech­no, EBM, Tran­ce, Dance
Land: UK
Label: Per­fec­to Fluo­ro
Ka­ta­log Nr: perf134cd
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): near mint/near mint
21,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Visage - Night Train
In­ter­pret: Vi­sa­ge
Be­schrei­bung: Pa­pers­lee­ve

For­mat: 12" Maxi Sin­gle
Jahr: 1982
Genre: Syn­th­pop, New Wave
Land: UK
Label: Po­ly­dor
Ka­ta­log Nr: pospx 441
Zu­stand (Cover/Disk): vg-/vg
9,50 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 75 (von insgesamt 84)